Dr. Sarkisian Surgical Video Archive All Surgical Videos Dr. Sarkisian OMNI Surgical Video Dr. Sarkisian Ab Interno 360 degree Trabeculotomy Video using the Trab360 Device Bleb Needling after Trabeculectomy Dr. Sarkisian implants the Glaukos iStent using the Ritch Gonioprism Using a Cornea Patch Graft to Cover a Glaucoma Drainage Implant Ahmed M4 with Ologen as a patch graft Ahmed M4 glaucoma drainage implant Sarkisian Transconjunctival Scleral Flap Sutures. Dr. Sarkisian Conjunctival Closure for Glaucoma Surgery with the Ex-PRESS. Dr. Steve Sarkisian Implants Ologen with the ExPress Glaucoma Device. Dr Sarkisian Implanting Ologen in Two Halves. Steven Sarkisian, MD Glaucoma Surgery with the Ex-PRESS Shunt and Ologen. Steven R. Sarkisian, Jr., MD Trabeculotomy using the iTrack Microcatheter.